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홈 > 고객센터 > 수업중 유용한 표현

수업중 유용한 표현

      Thank you. That helps a lot.
     작성자   :   바비잉글리쉬    (21-03-03 10:28:21    Hit : 366)


"Thank you. That helps a lot."

After someone starts speaking more slowly for you, thank them with this phrase.

You can use it in many other situations, too.

For example:

A: Ben, could you please make the font bigger? It’s hard for me to read the words.

B: Sure! I’ll change it from size 10 to 16. How’s this?

A: Thank you. That helps a lot.




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(주)바비 │ 대표이사 : 최세환 │ 사업자등록번호 : 861-87-00575

통신판매업신고번호 : 제2017-서울중랑-0871호

대표전화 : 1522-5951 │ E-mail : eduboby@naver.com

서울본사 : 서울특별시 중랑구 신내역로 111 신내 SK V1센터 A동 712호

대전본부 : 대전광역시 중구 대사동 77-46번지

센터 : Lucky Bldg. 3rd Floor Blk. 3 Lot 4 Henefel St., Barangay Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga 2009, Philippine

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